BPCF 2023 - XV Београдски фестивал проблемског шаха 2023.

Belgrade Quick Composing Tourney 2023

Mate in two moves


Srećko Radović
National Master of Problem Chess

Borislav Gadjanski
IM FIDE for Chess Composition

From the tournament director I received 18 anonymous problems. Seven entries missed to fulfill the thematic condition or did it insufficiently: 314, 317, 318, 319, 320, 323, and 325. I had to exclude two more, because of lack of originality. No. 329 was anticipated by Samuel Loyd (YACPDB >>36957), and No. 326 was based on a well-known matrix.
Considering the short time for composing, the quality of the remaining 9 entries was satisfactory, slightly above the average.


Thematic condition

The first move of the solution (or the first moves of the solution and tries in total) enables at least 6 defences and 6 different variations.

The thematic condition may be presented in the solution (Example 1); or split between a try and solution (Example 2); or in the solution and more tries (Example 3). In a multi-phase forms the same defences may be repeated, but they will count as thematic only if replied by different mates.

Defences may be by one or more black pieces.

Example 1


The Macedonian Problemist 2018

white Bb1a3 Sf3f8 Qe4 Ph5h7f7 Ra7 Kh8 black Re1g4 Qc2 Pc3a4 Kf6
1.Qe4-d5 ! threat: 2.Sf8-d7 # 1...Rg4-b4 2.Qd5-g5 # 1...Re1-e6 2.Qd5*e6 # 1...Re1-e5 2.Qd5*e5 # 1...Re1-e7 2.Ba3*e7 # 1...Re1-e8 2.f7*e8=S # 1...Qc2*h7 + 2.Sf8*h7 # 1...Qc2-f5 2.Qd5*f5 #

7 thematic variations

Example 2


1st Pr. Tribuna Sibiului TT 1982

white Qa1 Ke2 Sd2c2 Bf3h6 Rb3d7 Pg4c4f5 black Qc3 Pb4f6c6 Ke5 Rb5 Ba5b7
1.Qa1-e1 ? threat: 2.Qe1-g3 # 1...Qc3*d2 + 2.Ke2*d2 # 1...Qc3*f3 + 2.Ke2*f3 # 1...Qc3-d3 + 2.Ke2*d3 # 1...Qc3*c4 + 2.Sd2*c4 # 1...Qc3-e3 + 2.Rb3*e3 # but 1...Qc3-d4 ! 1.Rd7-d4 ! threat: 2.Bh6-f4 # 1...Qc3*d2 + 2.Rd4*d2 # 1...Qc3*f3 + 2.Sd2*f3 # 1...Qc3-d3 + 2.Rd4*d3 # 1...Qc3*c4 + 2.Sd2*c4 # 1...Qc3-e3 + 2.Rb3*e3 # 1...Qc3*d4 2.Qa1*d4 # {(non thematic)}

2x3 changed mates after thematic defences

Example 3


1st Pr. Pula Ineternet Tourney 2000

white Sb7d4 Pa6c6e6 Kg6 Rh5h4 Qb4 Ba2h2 black Rd8a5 Pg7f5a4b3 Kd5 Se3
1.Sd4*f5 ? threat: 2.Qb4-e4 # 1...Kd5*e6 2.Sf5*g7 # 1...Kd5*c6 2.Sf5-e7 # but 1...Se3-g4 ! 1.Sd4-b5 ? threat: 2.Qb4-e4 # 1...Kd5*e6 2.Sb5-c7 # 1...Kd5*c6 2.Qb4-c5 # but 1...Se3-g4 ! 1.Sd4*b3 ! threat: 2.Qb4-e4 # 1...Kd5*e6 2.Sb3-d4 # 1...Kd5*c6 2.Sb3*a5 # 1...Se3-g4 2.Sb3*a5 # {(non thematic)} 1...Se3-c4 2.Qb4*c4 # {(non thematic)}


Anatoly Slesarenko
Dragan Stojnić
Ralf Krätschmer


Alexander Pankratiev
Anatoly Slesarenko
Andrija Zdravković
Dragan Stojnić
Georgi Hadzi-Vaskov
Jacques Rotenberg
José Miguel Abad González
Kabe Moen
Pavel Murashev
Pietro Pitton
Ralf Krätschmer
Seetharaman Kalyan
Viktor Chepizhny
Viktor Syzonenko
Živan Šušulić


BG QCT 2023 - Award

1st Prize
Anatoly Slesarenko,  RUS
white Qe8 Sc7f4 Pa5c5f5c3c2 Rh5f3 Bd4 Kg3 black Sb8d1 Pa6f6 Be5 Ke4

FEN: 1n2Q3/2N5/p4p2/P1P1bP1R/3BkN2/2P2RK1/2P5/3n4
(C+ by Popeye)

2nd Prize
Dragan Stojnić,  SRB
white Qc8 Rd8e3 Pe5 Sc4f2 Bc1f1 Kg1 black Pb6f6b4e4f4a3f3d2 Bd5g5 Rf5 Kd4

FEN: 2QR4/8/1p3p2/3bPrb1/1pNkpp2/p3Rp2/3p1N2/2B2BK1
(C+ by Popeye)

3rd Prize
Ralf Krätschmer,  GER
white Bb8b5 Sg8h6 Pg7c4 Kh7 Qf4 black Bd7h2 Ke6 Pg5h5d3 Rg4 Qf1

FEN: 1B4N1/3b2PK/4k2N/1B4pp/2P2Qr1/3p4/7b/5q2
(C+ by Popeye)

1st Hon. Mention
Dragan Stojnić,  SRB
white Be1 Kb1 Sf2c5 Pd2g4 Re3e8 Qh5 black Qg2 Pg3d3e4g7f5 Sh4 Kf4 Rd4 Bb4

FEN: 4R3/6p1/8/2N2p1Q/1b1rpkPn/3pR1p1/3P1Nq1/1K2B3
(C+ by Popeye)

2nd Hon. Mention
Kabe Moen,  USA
white Qc7 Bd7 Pc6e6e3 Sd6c4 Ra5c2 Kc1 black Bd8 Pe7e4 Qc5 Kd5 Sf3

FEN: 3b4/2QBp3/2PNP3/R1qk4/2N1p3/4Pn2/2R5/2K5
(C+ by Popeye)

3rd Hon. Mention
Viktor Syzonenko,  UKR
white Re8d1 Pf7g3g2 Ke6 Qc3 Bc2 Sd2c1 black Bh8b1 Pf6c5b4f2 Sa4h2 Rb3f1 Qd3 Ke3

FEN: 4R2b/5P2/4Kp2/2p5/np6/1rQqk1P1/2BN1pPn/1bNR1r2
(C+ by Popeye)

1st Commend.
Pietro Pitton,  ITA
white Rd8e5 Bf5 Pc4b3f3c2e2 Sh4a1 Qb1 Kf1 black Pc5b4c3f2 Sd4 Kd2 Be1

FEN: 3R4/8/8/2p1RB2/1pPn3N/1Pp2P2/2PkPp2/NQ2bK2
(C+ by Popeye)

2nd Commend.
Živan Šušulić,  SRB
white Ka8 Sf8e2 Be7f3 Ph7e6g3f2 Rf4 Qb2 black Pa5b5f5 Ke5 Rh4g1 Sc3 Bd2

FEN: K4N2/4B2P/4P3/pp2kp2/5R1r/2n2BP1/1Q1bNP2/6r1
(C+ by Popeye)

3rd  Commend.
Seetharaman Kalyan,  IND
white Pb7c6f5g3 Bd7h2 Ke7 Sf6a5 Rg5 Qc3 black Ba6 Pd5e4e3 Ke5 Sd4 Ra2b1 Qd1

FEN: 8/1P1BK3/b1P2N2/N2pkPR1/3np3/2Q1p1P1/r6B/1r1q4
(C+ by Popeye)

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Site author: Borislav Gadjanski