BPCF 2019 - XIV Београдски фестивал проблемског шаха 2019.

Belgrade Internet Tournaments 2018

Group C – fairy h#2,
Lortap chess with fairy piece Locust

Jubilee Tourney : Dinu-Ioan Nicula - 50

This tourney is devoted to the 50th birthday of Dinu-Ioan Nicula,
and marked by Latin „L“ (for number 50).


Judge: Dinu-Ioan Nicula

In the year of my jubilee, it was a very nice present from the part of my friend Marjan Kovacević to organise this anniversary tournament, with the strong support of Borislav Gadjanski, president of the Serbian Chess Problem Society. From the first edition of 2004, I have met them almost year by year at the International Solving Championship of Serbia (with special minilectures sessions, in which my interventions were in the field of Romanian chess history), so I am grateful to both not only for keeping this composing tourney, but for their whole attitude towards me in these so many years!
The theme of the JT, proposed by GM Marjan Kovacević (with a precious suggestion from the part of Julia Vysotska), was linked to the letter „L” (=50, in roman figures):
„Helpmate in 2 using Lortap condition and Locust (one or more of them) as the only fairy piece”.
Many thanks to Marko Ložajić for translation into English!
There were 40 entries, of 26 authors/pairs of authors, from 15 countries. Being very satisfied of the problems’ level, but also keeping into regard that it is a special occasion, I have decided to give awards to half of them! The awarded compositions are:


Thematic condition

„L-problem“ symbolized by Lortap and Locust

Helpmate in 2 using Lortap condition, and Locust(s) fairy piece. Other fairy elements are not allowed.

Lortap: A piece can’t capture or give check if it is observed by a piece of its own side.

Locust (L): Moves along Queen lines only by capturing an enemy unit, arriving on the square immediately beyond that unit, which must be vacant. If, in the same situation, instead of enemy unit there is a unit of the same colour, Locust observes it.

In combination with Lortap condition, it would prevent this other unit from capturing or giving check.

Example 1

white Pc2 Kh7 Bb3d4 Lf4 black Kc4 Rb4

Lortap; Locust f4

1.Kc4-c3 Bb3-f7 2.Rb4-b3 Bd4-f6 # 1.Kc4-c5 Bb3-d5 2.Rb4-b5 Bd4-g1 #

No check in initial position as Bb3 observed by Pc2! I. 1.Kc4-c3 (no check, Bd4 observed by Lf4) 1...Bb3-f7 ! ( or 2..Bf6 - no mate as observed by Lf4) 2.Rb4-b3 (to observe bK, otherwise 3.K*c2!) 2...Bd4-f6 # (Be5,Bg7,Bh8? - observed by L or wK) II. 1.Kc4-c5 (no check, Bd4 observed by Lf4) 1...Bb3-d5 2.Rb4-b5 (to observe bK, otherwise 3.K*d5!) 2...Bd4-g1 # (Be3,Bf2? - observed by L)

Example 2

white Pd5 Bf1 Lg5 black Pb6b5 Kc5 Bg7 Rf4

Lortap; Locust g5

1.Bg7-d4 Bf1*b5 2.Rf4-f6 Lg5*f6-e7 #

(3.K*d5?? - can't capture being observed by Pb6!)
(1.Rd4 ? 2.Bf6 L*f6-e7 3.Rb4 !)
(1...Bd3 ? 3.b4 !)


Petko A. Petkov
Juraj Lörinc
Juraj Lörinc
S. K. Balasubramanian
Vlaicu Crişan
Vlaicu Crişan
Hubert Gockel
Hubert Gockel


1 Hans Uitenbroek - NED
2-3 Juraj Lörinc - SVK
4 Theodoros Giakatis - GRE
5-7 Petko Petkov - BUL
8 Vlaicu Crişan - ROU,
Eric Huber - ROU
9 Eric Huber - ROU
10 Marko Klasinc - SLO
11 Raffi Ruppin - ISR
12-14 Jacques Rotenberg - ISR,
Pierre Tritten - FRA
15 Daniel Papack - GER
16 S.K. Balasubramanian - IND,
Shankar Ram - IND
17 S.K. Balasubramanian - IND,
S. Manikumar - IND
18 Julia Vysotska - LAT,
Marjan Kovačević - SRB
19 Ivo Tominić - CRO
20 Franz Pachl - GER
21 Luis Miguel Martín - ESP
22-24 Miodrag Mladenović - SRB
25-26 Jan Golha - SVK
27 Dieter Müller - GER
28-30 Hubert Gockel - GER
31-32 Karol Mlynka - SVK
33-35 Jaroslav Štúň - SVK
36 Vlaicu Crişan - ROU,
S.K. Balasubramanian - IND
37 James Quah - SGP
38-39 Franz Pachl - GER,
Dieter Müller - GER
40 Valeriu Petrovici - ROU

33 names

from 15 countries


(h#2 , Lortap + Locust)

Number of paticipants = 7

Time for solving = 90 min

Number of problems = 9

Maximum points = 45


1. Hans Uitenbroek 21.5
2. Marjan Kovačević 15.0
3. Dmitry Pletnev* 10.0
4. Miodrag Mladenović 10.0
5. Dolf Wissmann 7.5
6-7. Borislav Gadjanski 5.0
6-7. Marek Kolčák 5.0

* = Third pl. after the Tiebreak


BPCF2018C - Award

1st Prize
Petko Petkov,  BUL
white Kf3 Re8h4 Lc8a1h2 Bc3 black Pf7e3d3 Kh8 Lf8

Lortap; Locust a1,c8,f8,h2


FEN: 2(Q1)1R(q1)1k/5p2/8/8/7R/2BppK2/7(Q1)/(Q1)7
(C+ by Popeye)

2nd Prize
Petko Petkov,  BUL
white Ka3 Rg5 Lf5e3 Bf2 black Pf7c6c4d2 Kc5 Rb8h2 Bh4

Lortap; Locust e3,f5


FEN: 1r6/5p2/2p5/2k2(Q1)R1/2p4b/K3(Q1)3/3p1B1r/8
(C+ by Popeye)

3rd Prize
Juraj Lörinc,  SVK
white Kh5 Pd2 Sc5 Lc6e5b4e4 black Bd7 Ke2 Lb5 Pd3b2c2f2 Sf7 Rc8
3 sol.

Lortap; Locust c6, e5, b4, e4, b5

FEN: 2r5/3b1n2/2(Q1)5/1(q1)N1(Q1)2K/1(Q1)2(Q1)3/3p4/1ppPkp2/8
(C+ by Popeye)

4th Prize
S.K. Balasubramanian / Vlaicu Crisan,  IND / ROU
white Pc4g4 Kf3 Lb8e8 black Pg5d4 Ke5 Be4 Rf4

Lortap; Locust b8,e8

b) - bPg5

FEN: 1(Q1)2(Q1)3/8/8/4k1p1/2PpbrP1/5K2/8/8
(C+ by Popeye)

5th Prize
Hubert Gockel,  GER
white Bd5 Ke8 La3 Pd4e4e3 Sh3 Rd3 black Pe5d2e2 Rg4e1 Bb6 Kf3

Lortap; Locust a3


FEN: 4K3/8/1b6/3Bp3/3PP1r1/(Q1)2RPk1N/3pp3/4r3
(C+ by Popeye)

1st Hon. Mention
Petko Petkov,  BUL
white Rh5 Kd6 Ba6 La5 Pf4f3 black Ba7 Kd4 Lb5a2 Pf7f6a3 Se3 Rh8

Lortap; Locust a2,a5,b5

b)Rh8→g6, c)Pf4→g4

FEN: 7r/b4p2/B2K1p2/(Q1)(q1)5R/3k1P2/p3nP2/(q1)7/8
(C+ by Popeye)

2nd Hon. Mention
Julia Vysotska / Marjan Kovačević,  LAT/SRB
white Ka3 Pb3 Sd6b4e4c2 Ld7f3 black Ke5 Lc6d3

Lortap; Locust d7, f3, c6, d3


FEN: 8/3(Q1)4/2(q1)N4/4k3/1N2N3/KP1(q1)1(Q1)2/2N5/8
(C+ by Popeye)

3rd Hon. Mention
Miodrag Mladenović,  SRB
white Kc3 Rc5 Lb4 black Ke3 Pb3 Sg4a2 Ba7 Lc6a5h2
3 sol.

Lortap; Locust b4, c6, a5, h2

FEN: 8/b7/2(q1)5/(q1)1R5/1(Q1)4n1/1pK1k3/n6(q1)/8
(C+ by Popeye)

4th Hon. Mention
Vlaicu Crisan / Eric Huber,  ROU
white Sb4c2 Pa3 Ka6 Lc6e1 black Kd3 Lg5

Lortap; Locust c6, e1, g5


FEN: 8/8/K1(Q1)5/6(q1)1/1N6/P2k4/2N5/4(Q1)3
(C+ by Popeye)

5th Hon. Mention
Ivo Tominić,  CRO
white Kb1 Pf5a4c2e2 Sa7 Le5d4e4 black Ba1 Kd5 La8a5d2 Qh7 Sf3f2 Re1
3 sol.

Lortap; Locust e5, d4, e4, a8, a5, d2

FEN: (q1)7/N6q/8/(q1)2k(Q1)P2/P2(Q1)(Q1)3/5n2/2P(q1)Pn2/bK2r3
(C+ by Popeye)

6th Hon. Mention
Jacques Rotenberg / Pierre Tritten,  ISR/FRA
white Bf4 Kg2 lg5 Lb6 Pe4d6f6 Se5 Re6 black Qf5 Pc3 Kc4
2 sol.

Lortap; Locust a6, g8

FEN: 8/8/1(Q1)1PRP2/4Nq(Q1)1/2k1PB2/2p5/6K1/8
(C+ by Popeye)

7th Hon. Mention
Franz Pachl / Dieter Müller,  GER
white Pc2 Sf1 Ka6 Lh5f6 black Ke4 Sa7 Bb1g1 lf2b5
2 sol.

Lortap; Locust f2, b5, h5, f6

FEN: 8/n7/K4(Q1)2/1(q1)5(Q1)/4k3/8/2P2(q1)2/1b3Nb1
(C+ by Popeye)

1st Commend.
Eric Huber,  ROU
white Kf2 Pc7 Sc5 Ld7 black Rg6 Sa7 Bb6d1 Kd4 Pf3
3 sol.

Lortap; Locust d7

FEN: 8/n1P(Q1)4/1b4r1/2N5/3k4/5p2/5K2/3b4
(C+ by Popeye)

2nd Commend.
Hubert Gockel,  GER
white Ph2 Kg8 Bb3 Sg4f3 La3g3 black Pd7f5e4 Ke5 Rf4
2 sol.

Lortap; Locust a3, g3

FEN: 6K1/3p4/8/4kp2/4prN1/(Q1)B3N(Q1)1/7P/8
(C+ by Popeye)

3rd Commend.
Daniel Papack,  GER
white Sf4 Pb3 Kh8 Le5c3 black Pb5d4d2 Bc6 Ra7 Kc5

Lortap; Locust e5, c3

b) bPd2→e2

FEN: 7K/r7/2b5/1pk1(Q1)3/3p1N2/1P(Q1)5/3p4/8
(C+ by Popeye)

4th Commend.
Dieter Müller,  GER
white Pd6e5f5 Ke8 Lc6h4 black Pd7a6g4c3 Bg6 Re6 Kd3

Lortap; Locust c6, h4


FEN: 4K3/3p4/p1(Q1)Pr1b1/4PP2/6p(Q1)/2pk4/8/8
(C+ by Popeye)

5th Commend.
Hans Uitenbroek,  NED
white Qc7 Pa7f7b6c6d6e6a2 Kg3 Bg6 Lc5e5g1 black Bd2 Kc3 La8d8 Qc1 Pe7a5e2f2 Sb8c8 Rg7

Lortap; Locust c5, e5, g1, a8, d8


FEN: (q1)nn(q1)4/P1Q1pPr1/1PPPP1B1/p1(Q1)1(Q1)3/8/2k3K1/P2bpp2/2q3(Q1)1
(C+ by Popeye)

6th Commend.
Jaroslav Štúň,  SVK
white Pd2 Kd3 Be5 Lb8c2g2 black Kf6 Ba8 Lh7f3

Lortap; Locust b8, c2, g2, h7, f3

b)Lb8→h2, c)Kd3→c4

FEN: b(Q1)6/7(q1)/5k2/4B3/8/3K1(q1)2/2(Q1)P2(Q1)1/8
(C+ by Popeye)

7th Commend.
James Quah,  SIN
white Ka4 Pg4 Rb3 Bf5 Ld2d4 black Pe4c3 Se3 Bc2 Kc6
2 sol.

Lortap; Locust d2, d4

FEN: 8/8/2k5/5B2/K2(Q1)p1P1/1Rp1n3/2b(Q1)4/8
(C+ by Popeye)

Marko Klasinc,  SLO
white Kd4 Le5 black Qc6 Kf3
2 sol.

Lortap; Locust e5

FEN: 8/8/2q5/4(Q1)3/3K4/5k2/8/8
(C+ by Popeye)

Finally, a big “Thank you” to all the composers who have honorated me by participating at this jubilee tournament. All of them are well-known names into our fief, so I regret that I couldn’t give accolades more than the ratio of 50%. But I promise that, at my 60 JT, there will be more awards… you guess how many!

Dinu-Ioan Nicula
International Judge

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Site author: Borislav Gadjanski