BPCF 2019 - XIV Београдски фестивал проблемског шаха 2019.

Belgrade Internet Tournaments 2019

Group A – #2 , Mate in two moves

Paz Einat

Dr. Paz Einat, International Judge

Marko Ložajić

Marko Ložajić
It was an interesting idea by Marjan Kovačević to use the 4-phase reciprocal changes theme, which I promoted in the last couple of years, as a theme for this year’s Belgrade Internet Tourney. My hunch was that much can be done, but only after receiving the 17 anonymous problems from the director, Marko Ložajić, I could see that my hunch was correct.
The problems presented a good variety of mechanisms realizing the theme. My clear preference was for mechanisms that are purely 4-phase ones. One problem had a 2-phase mechanism and two others had 3-phase mechanisms, in both cases somewhat artificially spread onto four phases. Such adaptation should not be dismissed, they can be of interest, but I gave them lower preference.
The 4-phase requirement gave rise to mechanisms based solely on separation of defenses by the threats. This means that both defenses would give rise to the same thematic mate but the threats determine that only one is a real defense. Such mechanisms has a definite taste of artificiality, but in some way, they might look rather humoristic. I gave these the lowest preference but I did not dismiss them altogether.
Now to the award. Grading the problems was not an easy task and the differences between the problems were small. In addition to the thematic requirement, I used a variety of criteria and tried to weigh clarity versus complexity and the importance of additional element.


Thematic condition

4-phase reciprocal changes

Reciprocal changes of two mates, spread over 4 phases, according to the pattern presented in the examples.

Example 1


3rd HM, The Problemist 2017

white Bh7g1 Ka8 Qa2 Pc6a4b4d4 Sb7f3 Re7a6 black Qe3 Pc7d7h6e5c4d3d2 Kd5 Ba5 Rh4
1.Sb7-c5 ? threat: 2.Re7*d7 # 1...d7-d6 {a} 2.Bh7-g8 # {A} but 1...Ba5-b6 ! 1.Sf3*e5 ? threat: 2.Qa2*c4 # 1...Rh4*d4 {b} 2.Ra6*a5 # {B} but 1...Qe3*d4 ! 1.Sb7-d8 ? threat: 2.Re7*d7 # 1...d7-d6 {a} 2.Ra6*a5 # {B} but 1...Ba5*b4 ! 1.Sf3*d2 ! threat: 2.Qa2*c4 # 1...Rh4*d4 {b} 2.Bh7-g8 # {A} 1...Qe3*d2 2.Re7*e5 # 1...Qe3*d4 2.Bh7-g8 #

Example 2


1st Pr. Israel QCT 2017

white Bd1 Kc1 Qd6 Pd4f4b3f3 Se2g2 Rg5 black Qh6 Pa6b5f2 Kd3 Bb8g6 Se1
1.Rg5-c5 ? threat: 2.Rc5-c3 # 1...Qh6*f4 + {a} 2.Se2*f4 # {A} but 1...Se1*f3 ! 1.Qd6-e6 ? threat: 2.Qe6-e3 # 1...Bb8*f4 + {b} 2.Sg2*f4 # {B} but 1...Bb8-e5 ! 1.Rg5-e5 ? threat: 2.Re5-e3 # 1...Qh6*f4 + {a} 2.Sg2*f4 # {B} but 1...Bg6-e4 ! 1.Qd6-c5 ! threat: 2.Qc5-c3 # 1...Bb8*f4 + {b} 2.Se2*f4 # {A}

Example 3

Мarjan Kovačević

3rd Pr. Die Schwalbe 1983

white Qc6 Sf7b3 Re8a4 Be1 Kh1 black Pc7h6c3 Sd5h2 Ba8a1 Kf3
1.Qc6-b5 ? threat: 2.Qb5-e2 # 1...Sd5-e3 {a} 2.Sf7-e5 # {A} but 1...Sd5-f4 ! 1.Qc6-d7 ? threat: 2.Qd7-h3 # 1...Sd5-f4 {b} 2.Sb3-d4 # {B} 1...Sh2-g4 2.Qd7*g4 # but 1...Sd5-e3 ! 1.Re8-e4 ? threat: 2.Sf7-e5 # 1...Sd5-e3 {a} 2.Sb3-d4 # {B} but 1...Sh2-g4 ! 1.Ra4-e4 ! threat: 2.Sb3-d4 # 1...Sd5-f4 {b} 2.Sf7-e5 # {A} 1...c3-c2 2.Sb3-d2 #


Anatoly Vasilenko
Anatoly Vasilenko
Mark Basisty
Mark Basisty
Vasil Markovcij
Vasil Markovcij
Mihail Hramtsevich
Mihail Hramtsevich
Dragan Stojnić
Dragan Stojnić


Mark Basisty – UKR (1,7*)
Hubert Gockel – GER (2,8)
Mihail Hramtsevich – BLR (4*,9*)
Zoltán Labai – HUN (3*)
Vasil Markovcij – UKR (4*,9*)
Miodrag Mladenović – SRB (11)
Pavel Murashev – RUS (5,10)
CGS Narayanan – IND (12,16)
Vyacheslav Pilchenko – RUS (6*,13*)
Valery Shanshin – RUS (6*,13*)
Dragan Stojnić – SRB (14,17)
Gábor Tar – HUN (3*)
Anatoly Vasilenko – UKR (7*)
Daniel Wirajaya – INA (15)

14 names

from 8 countries


BPCF2019A - Award

1st Prize
Anatoly Vasilenko & Mark Basisty,  UKR
white Qh5 Pb3a3b2f2f4h3c6 Ka5 Bh8 Sf5d8 black Pb5c7d6d5d3f7 Kc5 Rg7

FEN: 3N3B/2p2pr1/2Pp4/Kpkp1N1Q/5P2/PP1p3P/1P3P2/8
(C+ by Popeye)

2nd Prize
white Bh2g2 Ka7 Qa1 Pf5d6c3 Se3 Rh7 black Pc4c5c6d7f6 Ke5 Sf4d3

FEN: 8/K2p3R/2pP1p2/2p1kP2/2p2n2/2PnN3/6BB/Q7
(C+ by Popeye)

3rd Prize
white Bh7h6 Kc1 Qb3 Pf6c6c2 Se6b5 Rd5 black Bb7 Ke4 Qf7 Pe7b6f5h4d4b4a3g3 Sg6 Ra5g4

FEN: 8/1b2pq1B/1pP1NPnB/rN1R1p2/1p1pk1rp/pQ4p1/2P5/2K5
(C+ by Popeye)

1st Hon. Mention
white Bg5a8 Ka7 Qa1 Pe3f5d6c6 Sc3e7 Re8 black Pc4c5 Ke5 Sd3

FEN: B3R3/K3N3/2PP4/2p1kPB1/2p5/2NnP3/8/Q7
(C+ by Popeye)

2nd Hon. Mention
white Bh1e1 Ka8 Qc2 Pc6g6e3b4a3 Sd4 Re6h6 black Pc7d6h3h2e5a4 Kd5 Rg2

FEN: K7/2p5/2PpR1PR/3kp3/pP1N4/P3P2p/2Q3rp/4B2B
(C+ by Popeye)

3-4th Hon. Mention
white Bh2 Kb5 Qd3 Pc2g6 Sf5h5 Rd8g3 black Qc1 Ke5 Pg7e2e3g4h4e6b3 Sd7h6 Bf4

FEN: 3R4/3n2p1/4p1Pn/1K2kN1N/5bpp/1p1Qp1R1/2P1p2B/2q5
(C+ by Popeye)

3-4th Hon. Mention
Zoltán LABAI & Gábor TAR,  HUN
white Ba8c3 Ka2 Qh1 Pe4d2 Se5f4 Rb1 black Bg1 Kc2 Qh4 Pc7a3g3b2 Sh3a1 Re7g5

FEN: B7/2p1r3/8/4N1r1/4PN1q/p1B3pn/KpkP4/nR4bQ
(C+ by Popeye)

5th Hon. Mention
white Bg8e5 Kh6 Qg3 Pd6c3e2 Sb8c2 Rb5d1 black Pf7b6f6c5c4e4e3 Ke6

FEN: 1N4B1/5p2/1p1Pkp1K/1Rp1B3/2p1p3/2P1p1Q1/2N1P3/3R4
(C+ by Popeye)

6th Hon. Mention
Vyacheslav PILCHENKO & Valery SHANSHIN,  RUS
white Bb8g2 Kc5 Qb5 Pf7g7 Se6 Rh6e4 black Pe7g5c4 Kf5 Bb7f6 Sa2

FEN: 1B6/1b2pPP1/4Nb1R/1QK2kp1/2p1R3/8/n5B1/8
(C+ by Popeye)

1st Commend.
white Bh6b1 Kc6 Qf7 Pd7f6c5f4h3 Se5e2 Re4e1 black Qd3 Pc7b5d5d4g3 Rg8b4 Bd8a2 Kf5

FEN: 3b2r1/2pP1Q2/2K2P1B/1pPpNk2/1r1pRP2/3q2pP/b3N3/1B2R3
(C+ by Popeye)

2nd Commend.
Vyacheslav PILCHENKO & Valery SHANSHIN,  RUS
white Ba8h6 Kc1 Qh5 Pc2g4c4 Sd4e5 Rd1d5 black Be2h8 Ke4 Qb6 Pc5b4c3f6 Sg1e7 Rd8

FEN: B2r3b/4n3/1q3p1B/2pRN2Q/1pPNk1P1/2p5/2P1b3/2KR2n1
(C+ by Popeye)

3rd Commend.
white Bh6b1 Kf7 Qh7 Pa7f2g3f5c6b4b3 Sf3 Rc2 black Pg4 Ke4

FEN: 8/P4K1Q/2P4B/5P2/1P2k1p1/1P3NP1/2R2P2/1B6
(C+ by Popeye)

4th Commend.
white Ba8 Kg7 Qf6 Pd6c5c3c2f2 Sf7c4 Rd3 black Pd7f3g5e5 Sb7b1 Rc6g2 Ke4 Bh2h5

FEN: B7/1n1p1NK1/2rP1Q2/2P1p1pb/2N1k3/2PR1p2/2P2Prb/1n6
(C+ by Popeye)

5h Commend.
white Qd4 Pc7f6h5d5f2 Ka4 Rg2 Sd2 black Kf5 Pd7g7d6h4e3e2 Be8c1 Rf8h1

FEN: 4brn1/2Pp2p1/3p1P2/3P1k1P/K2Q3p/4p3/3NpPR1/2b4r
(C+ by Popeye)

6th Commend.
white Bb1 Ke8 Qd8 Pe7e4 Sd6g4 Rc6b3 black Ph7a7b5c4 Kd4 Rd3 Bf1

FEN: 3QK3/p3P2p/2RN4/1p6/2pkP1N1/1R1r4/8/1B3b2
(C+ by Popeye)

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Site author: Borislav Gadjanski