BPCF 2017 - XII Београдски фестивал проблемског шаха 2017.

Belgrade Internet Tournaments 2017

Group B – h#2 ,

  Helpmate in two moves


Judge: Miodrag Mladenović

I received 44 problems without author names from neutral judge Borislav Gadjanski. The quality of problems was very good since there was very short amount of time available for composing. After reviewing problems I found out there are three non-thematic problems: #10 (RK), #14 (YB) and #32 (D-C G). Also, there is one problem with three WRs. Although it was not specifically stated in the announcement of the tournament that it was forbidden I found out there is no justification for using the third rook. So I did not rank this problem at all. I decided to rank 17 problems:


Thematic condition

White-Black + Black-White form of the Klasinc theme

a piece A opens a line to allow move by a line-piece B of opposite colour (gate-opening), then the piece A performs switchback. At least two thematic phases (multiple solutions, or set-play + solutions accepted, but not twins!).

Example -(Scheme)

white Pc5f6 Se7 Be5h3 Rb6 Ka6 black Kd7 Re6 Ba8c7 Sb5b7 Pf7
1.Sb7-d6 Rb6-b8 2.Sd6-b7+ c5-c6# 1.Bc7-d8 Se7-f5 2.Re6-e8 Sf5-e7#

Both forms in 2 solutions, the only example we found!


Anatoly Skripnik
Anatoly Skripnik
Srecko Radovic
Srećko Radović


Fadil Abdurahmanović (BIH)
Ivan Antipin (RUS)
Dr Phani Bhushan (IND)
Yuri Bilokin (UKR)
Michel Caillaud (FRA)
K. Chandrasekaran (IND)
Gennady Chumakov (RUS)
Vlaicu Crisan* (ROU)
Ricardo de Mattos Vieira (BRA)
Branislav Djurasevic (SRB)
Dan-Constantin Gurgui (ROU)
Valery Gurov (RUS)
Eric Huber* (ROU)
Marko Klasinc (SLO)
Valery Kopyl (UKR)
Illo Krampis (LAT)
Ralf Krätschmer* (GER)
Rainer Kuhn (GER)
Ingemar Lind (SWE)
Sébastien Luce (FRA)
S. Manikumar (IND)
Luis Miguel Martin (ESP)
Michael McDowell (GBR)
Vitaly Medintsev (RUS)
Dieter Müller (GER)
Emanuel Navon (ISR)
Vladislav Nefyodov (RUS)
Aleksey Oganesjan (RUS)
Ivars Ozols (LAT)
Franz Pachl* (GER)
Daniel Papack (GER)
Petko A. Petkov (BUL)
Pietro Pitton (ITA)
Srećko Radović (SRB)
Yosi Retter (ISR)
Jacques Rotenberg (FRA)
Kalyan Seetharaman (IND)
Aleksandr Semenenko (UKR)
Valery Semenenko (UKR)
Boris Shorokhov (RUS)
Anatoly Skripnik (RUS)
Roberto Tomassini (ITA)
Ivo Tominić (CRO)
Menachem Witztum (ISR)
Predrag Žuvić (CRO)

46 names

from 18 countries


BPCF2017B - Award

1st Prize
Anatoly Skripnik,  Russia
white Pc5h5 Se6d4 Bg6 Kb1 Rg5 black Qh4 Rf5 Kd5 Bh6
3 sol.

FEN: 8/8/4N1Bb/2Pk1rRP/3N3q/8/8/1K6
(C+ by Popeye)

2nd Prize
Srećko Radović,  Serbia
white Pg5 Sf7e5 Ra6 Kb4 Bb3 black Bb1 Ke6 Qa2 Pe7b5c2 Sd6 Rf8d5
3 sol.

FEN: 5r2/4pN2/R2nk3/1p1rN1P1/1K6/1B6/q1p5/1b6
(C+ by Popeye)

3rd Prize
Daniel Papack,  Germany
white Kc7 Re6 Bd3 black Bf6c4 Ke8 Qe4 Pb7e7c6b5c5e3 Sd7f7 Rf8
2 sol.

FEN: 4kr2/1pKnpn2/2p1Rb2/1pp5/2b1q3/3Bp3/8/8
(C+ by Popeye)

4th Prize
Valery Semenenko,  Ukraine
white Qf1 Sh4 Bd5 Ka3 black Pd7e7h7g5g4f3 Se8g7 Be6 Kf6 Rh3
2 sol.

FEN: 4n3/3pp1np/4bk2/3B2p1/6pN/K4p1r/8/5Q2
(C+ by Popeye)

1st – 3rd Hon. Mention
Michel Caillaud,  France
white Pc3 Sa4d4 Bf1 Kh4 black Pg2 Kc4 Rd3 Bh1
2 sol.

FEN: 8/8/8/8/N1kN3K/2Pr4/6p1/5B1b
(C+ by Popeye)

1st – 3rd Hon. Mention
Chandrasekaran Kr,  India
white Pf3 Ka4 Bg4c1 Se4 black Pb2 Kf4 Re3 Ba1
2 sol.

FEN: 8/8/8/8/K3NkB1/4rP2/1p6/b1B5
(C+ by Popeye)

1st – 3rd Hon. Mention
Pietro Pitton,  Italia
white Sc5a4 Be1f1 Ke5 black Pg2 Kb5 Rc4 Bh1
2 sol.

FEN: 8/8/8/1kN1K3/N1r5/8/6p1/4BB1b
(C+ by Popeye)

4th Hon. Mention
Gennady Chumakov,  Russia
white Rd3 Bf8e6 Ke2 black Pb6 Sd5 Rc3 Kc4 Bh1
2 sol.

FEN: 5B2/8/1p2B3/3n4/2k5/2rR4/4K3/7b
(C+ by p)

5th Hon. Mention
Predrag Žuvić,  Croatia
white Pa4b3 Ba3 Re4g4 Kd3 black Qa1 Pc7f7b6d6a5a2c2 Kf8 Bc6g3 Rb4b2
2 sol.

FEN: 5k2/2p2p2/1pbp4/p7/Pr2R1R1/BP1K2b1/prp5/q7
(C+ by Popeye)

6th Hon. Mention
Illo Krampis,  Latvia
white Pb3 Kf5 Rd8 Sc4 Bd1 black Qg1 Pe7g7c6f6c3 Ba3e2 Rd4 Kd3
2 sol.

FEN: 3R4/4p1p1/2p2p2/5K2/2Nr4/bPpk4/4b3/3B2q1
(C+ by Popeye)

1st Commend
Valery Gurov,  Russia
white Bc3e2 Kb6 Qa8 Pc6d5 Sc7 Rb4 black Qa4 Pe7b5f5c4f4b3a2 Ke4 Bb8h5 Re1
2 sol.

FEN: Qb6/2N1p3/1KP5/1p1P1p1b/qRp1kp2/1pB5/p3B3/4r3
(C+ by Popeye)

2nd Commend
Jacques Rotenberg,  France
white Re3 Kf5 Bh5 Sa1 Pf2g2 black Bc4c3 Kd1 Qb1 Pb4d4e4h3d2 Sg6e2 Rg3h1
3 sol.

FEN: 8/8/6n1/5K1B/1pbpp3/2b1R1rp/3pnPP1/Nq1k3r
(C+ by Popeye)

3rd Commend
Ivan Antipin,  Russia
white Pd6 Kh7 Ba6 Sf3d2 Rc5 black Qg5 Pe3 Rb3b1 Bc4g3 Kd3
2 sol.

FEN: 8/7K/B2P4/2R3q1/2b5/1r1kpNb1/3N4/1r6
(C+ by Popeye)

4th Commend
ichai,  .
white Pf2 Kf5 Re8 Bc4d4 black Bg8e5 Ke1 Qb3 Pf7g7f6d2 Sg6 Ra3d1
2 sol.

FEN: 4R1b1/5pp1/5pn1/4bK2/2BB4/rq6/3p1P2/3rk3
(C+ by Popeye)

5th Commend
Fadil Abdurahmanović,  Bosnia & Herzegovina
white Pb6e6 Bd3 Rg4 Kb2 black Sa1 Pb7h6a5b4c4h4 Rh5c1 Bf5 Ka4
2 sol.

FEN: 8/1p6/1P2P2p/p4b1r/kpp3Rp/3B4/1K6/n1r5
(C+ by Popeye)

6th Commend
Marko Klasinc,  Slovenia
white Sd2 Pe7b4e2 Re3 Bd7 Kg3 black Qa1 Pf7b6e6f6b5d4 Kf5 Bg6c3 Rc1
2 sol.

FEN: 8/3BPp2/1p2ppb1/1p3k2/1P1p4/2b1R1K1/3NP3/q1r5
(C+ by Popeye)

7th Commend
Aleksandr Semenenko,  Ukraine
white Qh8 Ph7c6d5e4f3 Sd7g4 Ba6 Ka4 black Bc8h2 Kd4 Qc7 Pd6a5e5 Sa8 Rf6
3 sol.

FEN: n1b4Q/2qN3P/B1Pp1r2/p2Pp3/K2kP1N1/5P2/7b/8
(C+ by Popeye)

© Matplus 2017 - 2025
Site author: Borislav Gadjanski