BPCF 2017 - XII Београдски фестивал проблемског шаха 2017.

Belgrade Internet Tournaments 2017

Group C – HS#Max2½,

 2 Solutions

Judges: Participants of the BPCF,
   solvers of this problems
marko_klasinc2 bulauka2 srecko_radovic3 i_serafimovic branko marcos_roland dinu-ioan_nicula dusan_mijatovic2
This tourney was a very exciting one, for both participants and the organizers. The initial idea was to avoid computer testing, in order to make composers train their solving, while giving solvers the forgotten pleasure of looking for cooks... This concept soon had to be abandoned, because Christian Poisson was very quick to create the program for HS#Max, the new fairy genre that includes only one new element when compared with HS#: the last two half-moves ask for S#1 Maximummer, instead of usual S#1.
On the other hand, we have to be grateful to Christian for saving composers and organizers from additional work, and for ensuring HS# Max an official status in the endless sea of fairy genres! Besides, it helped to receive only 1 incorrect entry...
The method of judging was the same as in our previous Composing/Solving/Judging events. After solving 18 correct entries, the eight solvers selected some favourits and analyzed them on the demonstration board. Next day they gave marks to all 18 entries, from 1 to 10.
The average marks of the first 4 compositions stood out, and were differentiated with slightest of margins, from 8.43 (the 4th place) to the 8.75 (the 1st place). Since there was no single judge, some comments given by solvers were summed up in the following award.


Thematic condition

Helpselfmate Max in 2½ moves

Helpselfmate Max is a new condition, with the help-play before the last two half-moves, presenting S#1 Maximummer (Black has to play the geometrically longest move).

Example - (Scheme)

white Ka1 Rc8 black Pe2a2b3 Kh6
1...e2-e1=B 2.Rc8-f8 Be1-h4 3.Rf8-f6+ Bh4*f6# 1...e2-e1=R+ 2.Rc8-c1 Re1-h1 3.Rc1-b1 Rh1*b1#


( Composers )

Paz Einat
Paz Einat
Marko Klasinc
Marko Klasinc
Petko A. Petkov
Petko A. Petkov
Aleksandr Bulauka
Aleksandr Bulauka
Ilija Serafimovic
Ilija Serafimović
Menachem Witztum
Menachem Witztum
Ivo Tominic
Ivo Tominić
Yosi Retter
Yosi Retter


Number of paticipants = 8
Time for solving = 120 min
Number of problems = 18
Each problem has 2 solutions
One solution = one point
Maximum points = 36


( Solving )

1. Marko Klasinc (SLO) 32
2. Aliaksandr Bulauka (BLR) 26
3. Srećko Radović (SRB) 22
4. Ilija Serafimović (SRB) 21
5. Branislav Djurašević (SRB) 17
6. Marcos Roland (BRA) 16
7. Dinu-Ioan Nicula (ROM) 13
8. Dušan Mijatović (SRB) 8


( Composers )

Evgeni Bourd (ISR)
Aliaksandr Bulauka (BLR)
Branislav Djurašević (SRB)
Paz Einat (ISR)
Georgy Evseev (RUS)
Marko Klasinc (SLO)
Ralf Krätschmer* (GER)
Rainer Kuhn (GER)
Ingemar Lind (SWE)
S. Manikumar (IND)
Luis Miguel Martin (ESP)
Dieter Müller (GER)
Franz Pachl* (GER)
Petko A. Petkov (BUL)
Srećko Radović (SRB)
Yosi Retter (ISR)
Jacques Rotenberg (FRA)
Seetharaman Kalyan (IND)
Ilija Serafimović (SRB)
Ivo Tominić (CRO)
Menachem Witztum (ISR)

21 names

from 12 countries


BPCF2017C - Award

1st Place
Paz Einat,  Israel
white Qh8 Pc6c2 Kd4 Rf6 black Bf4 Kf1 Qg5 Pa7e6g6h5e4g4g3 Sd6 Rg8f5
2 sol.

FEN: 6rQ/p7/2PnpRp1/5rqp/3Kpbp1/6p1/2P5/5k2
(C+ by WinChloe)

2nd Place
Marko Klasinc,  Slovenia
white Pc6f4a3 Kc5 Rg1 Sg4 black Qd1 Pc7f7h7a5f5a4f2 Kb8 Bd8 Re4b3
2 sol.

FEN: 1k1b4/2p2p1p/2P5/p1K2p2/p3rPN1/Pr6/5p2/3q2R1
(C+ by WinChloe)

3rd Place
Petko A. Petkov,  Bulgaria
white Sf6d5 Rg7b5 Ke5 black Qd7 Ra5 Kd8 Bh8 Pg3e2
2 sol.

FEN: 3k3b/3q2R1/5N2/rR1NK3/8/6p1/4p3/8
(C+ by WinChloe)

4th Place
Aliaksandr Bulauka,  Belarus
white Pd7e6f6 Kc4 Re3 Sc3 Bb2 black Qa8 Pe4a2e2f2 Kg8 Rb8 Ba7
2 sol.

FEN: qr4k1/b2P4/4PP2/8/2K1p3/2N1R3/pB2pp2/8
(C+ by WinChloe)

5th-6th Place
Ilija Serafimović,  Serbia
white Pg4f3c3 Ke3 Rh2 Se4d4 black Pc4g5 Sb3h8 Bc5 Kb8 Re6
2 sol.

FEN: 1k5n/8/4r3/2b3p1/2pNN1P1/1nP1KP2/7R/8
(C+ by WinChloe)

5th-6th Place
Menachem Witztum,  Israel
white Qa4 Pf2f3g6h4 Kh6 Bc1h7 black Be5a8 Ka6 Qf7 Pf4h5d5a5e6d6 Sg7 Re8
2 sol.

FEN: b3r3/5qnB/k2pp1PK/p2pb2p/Q4p1P/5P2/5P2/2B5
(C+ by WinChloe)

7th - 8th Place
Ivo Tominić,  Croatia
white Kf3 black Pe7c6b3h3d2e2f2h2 Kc4
2 sol.

FEN: 8/4p3/2p5/8/2k5/1p3K1p/3ppp1p/8
(C+ by WinChloe)

7th - 8th Place
Yosi Retter,  Israel
white Pa7b2 Ka1 black Pg6h6b5d4c2d2 Kf1 Bd3
2 sol.

FEN: 8/P7/6pp/1p6/3p4/3b4/1Ppp4/K4k2
(C+ by WinChloe)

9th - 10th Place
Ingemar Lind,  Sweden
white Pf7a5d5 Ka6 black Pd4f4e2 Kc7 Sb5c3
2 sol.

FEN: 8/2k2P2/K7/Pn1P4/3p1p2/2n5/4p3/8
(C+ by WinChloe)

9th - 10th Place
Georgy Evseev,  Russia
white Pf7e3d2 Kb8 Ra8 black Se5 Pc6f6e2 Kh4 Rh7 Ba6
2 sol.

FEN: RK6/5P1r/b1p2p2/4n3/7k/4P3/3Pp3/8
(C+ by WinChloe)

11th Place
Seetharaman Kalyan,  India
white Pd7b6h2 Ka7 black Qc8 Pb7b5g4g3 Kg7
2 sol.

FEN: 2q5/Kp1P2k1/1P6/1p6/6p1/6p1/7P/8
(C+ by WinChloe)

12th Place
Evgeni Bourd,  Israel
white Qa3 Pe3h3g2 Ke4 Rc4 black Qa6 Pe7c6e5 Kg5
2 sol.

FEN: 8/4p3/q1p5/4p1k1/2R1K3/Q3P2P/6P1/8
(C+ by WinChloe)

13th Place
Branislav Djurašević,  Serbia
white Ke6 Se4 black Pc7g7a6h6d5f5 Ke8 Ra8h8 Se5e2
2 sol.

FEN: r3k2r/2p3p1/p3K2p/3pnp2/4N3/8/4n3/8
(C+ by WinChloe)

14th Place
Manikumar S,  India
white Pe7h7c6b2 Kg8 black Pg2 Sg6 Ke4
2 sol.

FEN: 6K1/4P2P/2P3n1/8/4k3/8/1P4p1/8
(C+ by WinChloe)

15th - 16th Place
Jacques Rotenberg,  France
white Ph7 Kg1 black Pg6a2b2 Kg3
2 sol.

FEN: 8/7P/6p1/8/8/6k1/pp6/6K1
(C+ by WinChloe)

15th - 16th Place
Luis Miguel Martin,  Spain
white Kg8 black Pg6g5 Se6 Rc1 Kf2 Bh1
2 sol.

FEN: 6K1/8/4n1p1/6p1/8/8/5k2/2r4b
(C+ by WinChloe)

17th Place
Srećko Radović,  Serbia
white Ke5 Ra4 Be7 Pb6 black Qd8 Ke8 Ra8
2 sol.

FEN: r2qk3/4B3/1P6/4K3/R7/8/8/8
(C+ by WinChloe)

18th Place
Rainer Kuhn,  Germany
white Ke1 Ra1h1 black Qh3 Kb2
2 sol.

FEN: 8/8/8/8/8/7q/1k6/R3K2R
(C+ by WinChloe)

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Site author: Borislav Gadjanski